
Welcome to this magnificent 5-bedroom villa, nestled in one of the most tranquil and picturesque areas of Las Terrenas.

Tucked away in a serene corner of Las Terrenas, this magnificent villa offers an idyllic retreat for your getaway. Boasting 5 spacious bedrooms, including plush king-sized beds and two junior beds, this villa seamlessly combines comfort and convenience, ensuring that your stay will be truly unforgettable.

Every room is thoughtfully equipped with both air conditioning and ceiling fans, allowing you to tailor the climate to your preference. Four of these cozy bedrooms are located within the main villa, while a separate bungalow provides an extra layer of privacy and space for your group.

The villa's location is a dream come true for beach enthusiasts, as it is just steps away from the golden sands and crystal-clear waters. Whether you're in the mood for a tranquil morning stroll or an adventurous day of water sports, the beach is always within arm's reach.

For days when you'd prefer to relax at home, the inviting swimming pool awaits. Complete with comfortable chaise lounges, it's the perfect spot to bask in the sun, lose yourself in a good book, or simply savor moments of relaxation.

Whether you're planning a family vacation, a romantic escape, or a gathering of friends, this villa in Las Terrenas is your ideal haven. With its tranquil setting, luxurious amenities, and easy access to the beach, it offers the perfect blend of serenity and adventure for your stay.

Book your stay today and experience the comfort and luxury in Las Terrenas.

Правила проживания: Не курить в доме, Без домашних животных, Без вечеринок

Гости допускаются: 10

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Крышка с изображением карты

Этот самый западный район Лас-Терренаса тянется вдоль длинного и живописного пляжа Косон. Это настоящая тихая гавань, расположенная всего в 10 минутах езды от города.

Крышка с изображением карты
Лос Номадас

Этот пляжный поселок, состоящий из вилл в карибском стиле, - маленький рай прямо на пляже Косон, где можно любоваться великолепными закатами и совершать долгие прогулки по пляжу.

Что нужно знать

Check-in Time : 15:00
Check-out Time : 11:15
Похожие объявления
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